Get incredible IT talent from 36 countries
in 2 weeks
with 3 months money back guarantee.
Recruitment of IT people across borders in Europe
Looking for candidates
Actively promote vacancies to candidates accross our talent network in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Balkans, and also within E.U.. Constantly adding new talent markets (+1 per month. 2019).
We delve into your business, create a list of qualification requirements for candidates.
Detailed needs assessment & Job description
Local recruiters interview and test suitable candidates. We evaluate results, check references. Only the most suitable candidates remain.
Interview with candidates
How we work
Final interviews only with the best candidates
You participate in this stage. Meetings only with the best and most suitable. Help negotiating and making irresistable offer.
Relocation proccess
Full support from our side with paperwork, visas, work-permits (if applicable). Relocation takes on average 2-3 months. For hard-to-find positions it takes almost the same as for recruitment of locals.
In France there are 492 000 professional developers.
In Russia/Ukraine/Belarus and Balkans - 727 500.
In EU countries - 4,7 million.

Increase your talent pool significantly!
Hard to recruit professional developers? We can recruit them for you!
Why us
We can look for Developers, QA, DevOps, etc. in 36 countries.
We have a big pool of international IT talents (not just a local market with big shortage of talent).
We will give back your money if candidate is fired or leaves.
Network of local recruiters in each country with deep knowledge of IT market (hundreds of recruiters).
In most cases candidates from other countries will ask less than your current employees.
No hustle with paperwork, visas, work-permits. These are our problems.
All types of IT specialists
Access to big pool of IT talent
3 months money back guarantee
Full support during relocation proccess
Face-to-face interviews with local recruiters
Save on salary budget
Does it take very long to hire and relocate?
Hiring process internationally takes 2-3 weeks. Relocation takes additional 2-3 months. For hard-to-fing positions it takes almost the same as for local recruiters.
Is it difficult to do all paperwork, visas?
You have full support from our side with paperwork, visas, work-permits, etc. (if applicable).
Does it cost more than finding IT specialists on local market?
Actually in most cases employers even save on salary budget.
Does it take very long to hire and relocate?
Hiring process internationally takes 2-3 weeks. Relocation takes additional 2-3 months. For hard-to-fing positions it takes almost the same as for local recruiters.
Is it difficult to do all paperwork, visas?
You have full support from our side with paperwork, visas, work-permits, etc. (if applicable).
Does it cost more than finding IT specialists on local market?
Actually in most cases employers even save on salary budget.
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